
Welcome. The purpose of this site is to post candidate materials and presentation dates/times securely and is reserved for active searches at Appalachian State University, in which a public campus presentation is required per the Search Committee. An AppState login is required to view this information.


By accessing search-related information hosted on this secure site, you are attesting to the following regulations:

  • I understand that the identities of applicants and any information concerning applicants obtained during the search process are confidential and may not be disclosed outside of the search committee.
  • I understand that all search committee discussions of candidates, including information related to the evaluation of candidates, are confidential and may not be disclosed outside of the search committee.
  • I understand that, while the identities and certain application materials of applicants selected as finalists may be publicly disclosed as part of the final selection process, all other information obtained and/or discussed by the search committee remains confidential.
  • I understand that I may not disclose confidential information at any point during or after the completion of the search process.
  • I understand that only the search committee chair or their designee is authorized to speak on behalf of the search committee and that I am required to refer any questions or requests regarding the search to the search committee chair.

This attestation aims to ensure that all Appalachian State employees understand and acknowledge their responsibilities to maintain confidentiality to ensure the integrity of the search process and compliance with the principles of equal employment opportunity.

More Information

  • If you are a search committee member who would like to use this site to add search materials, such as candidate CVs or feedback forms, submit a request to Add Search Materials
    • Need assistance? For step-by-step procedures click here to view tutorial
  • Questions? Contact Search Support
  • For a complete list of current openings, visit the Employment Opportunities site